Building Equipment & Products - Steel

UK Structural Steelwork Sector Calls for Political Support in Manifesto Launch

March 2024

Building Equipment & Products - Steel

UK Structural Steelwork Sector Calls for Political Support in Manifesto Launch

March 2024

In a resounding call to action, the UK structural steelwork sector has unveiled its comprehensive manifesto at a prestigious event hosted in the House of Lords. With a clarion call to sitting and aspiring politicians alike, the sector urges concerted efforts to safeguard and enhance the industry's vitality.

Valued at an impressive £1.6 billion annually and providing gainful employment to approximately 60,000 individuals across the UK, the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) asserts its manifesto as a roadmap for sustainable growth and prosperity.

Chief among the manifesto's propositions is the cessation of cash retentions, recognized as a significant impediment stifling cash flow and jeopardizing the livelihoods of smaller enterprises within the sector. Additionally, the steelwork industry advocates for preferential treatment of UK firms in all public-funded projects, including flagship endeavors such as HS2.

The manifesto ambitiously advocates for enhanced support for apprenticeships, increased access to financial resources to foster technological innovation, and a firm governmental commitment to assist steelmakers in decarbonizing their operations.

Dr. David Moore, CEO of BCSA, underscores the pivotal role of the UK steelwork sector as a cornerstone of economic growth and development. He stresses the potential for exponential expansion, emphasizing the imperative for political leaders to recognize and nurture this vital industry.

Sponsoring Peer Lord Aberdare echoes these sentiments, particularly highlighting the deleterious impact of cash retentions on the construction sector. He emphasizes the urgent need for governmental action to rectify this longstanding issue, enabling smaller contractors to thrive and invest in their future.

As the industry looks to the future with optimism, there's a collective hope that policymakers, irrespective of political affiliation, will heed the call to bolster and fortify the constructional steelwork industry, thereby unleashing its full potential for job creation, economic growth, and opportunity.

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